
The SmartGrid simulator is a software developed by the GRASIA, from the UCM, under the MIRED-CON consortium. MIRED-CON (Microgeneración-MInigeneración REnovable / Microgeneration-Minigeneration with Renewal Sources) is a project leaded by the ZiV group (Grid, Metering y Comunication) and three research centers (Universidad de Zaragoza, Centro de Desarrollo de Energías Renovables or CEDER-CIEMAT and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid). This project aims to develop, using the powergrid installed in the CEDER, an advanced metering and control infraestructure and make the current powergrid into a smartgrid. Once deployed, this new smartgrid aims to become a reference of what powergrid can become in the near future. The CEDER facilities include wind/solar power generators, micro-turbine, flywheels, and other state-of-the-art elements. The control algorithms are being devised by the UCM while the control electronic is built by Universidad de Zaragoza. ZiV provides the smart meters and the computation nodes at each transformer element in the powergrid plus the communication means using their Prime Technology.

This software was devised to permit the experimentation of intelligent control of powergrid installations. This software permits real time simulation, but also simulated time. The first is relevant to run demos and complex setups where the developer wants to essay the reaction of the control software for certain configurations. The second is useful for running massive experimentation or specific techniques, such as genetic algorithms.

The SmartGrid Simulator, or sgsimulator, is free software. It is distributed under the GPLv3 license. It uses GridLAB-D to implement the low level powergrid simulation. Its main features are:

  • The powergrid definition is simplified with respect the GridLAB-D. It is an XML file that basically allows to identifty and interconnect powergrid elements. This allows a quick setup of some experimental powergrids. Expert setup is also possible, though developers will then be forced to use GridLAB-D notation.
  • GridLAB-D is wrapped with a java layer. This opens GridLAB-D use to all java developers and the integration with java-specific libraries.
  • Embedded version of GridLAB-D is 2.3 stable. In this version, developers must be aware of the limitations:
    • GridLAB-D does not support transitory states representation. It does static analysis, which means the powergrid setup is studied in its final stable state, if there is any. Hence, simulations of peaks of energy demand, such as those observed when powering on an engine, cannot be simulated. This includes as well blackout simulation.
    • GridLAB-D does not support as well island mode, where part of the powergrid disconnects from the main power line to reconnect later on.
    • Despite these limitations SGSimulator does simulate disconnections (absolute powering off) sections of the grid as long as it does not lead to separated powergrid islands.
  • The framework is devised to run GridLAB-D process in paralell. With this feature, a developer can launch several configurations of the GridLAB-D concurrently by running several GridLAB-D instances at the same time. This feature can be used to model the interplay of different separated powergrids.
  • It includes visual tools to inspect the behavior of elements inside the grid. This tool shows commands given to particular elements in the powergrid as well as past commands.
  • The framework also informs when a powergrid is behaving outside of the security parameters. In particular, when the current going through a section superes the operational parameters.
  • The framework is developed as a maven artifact. This enables developers to quickly setup a project no matter the developing environment they use. The Maven artifact includes binaries for Windows and Linux platforms, though the experimentation and testing of the software is done mainly in linux. Windows support is not guaranteed.